Thursday, August 20, 2020

Re: Fred Hawkins: What's the Cure for this Cancer?

So, now Felony Fred (allegedly)(1) with his $200K+ war chest is the Republican candidate for Florida House District 42.  I'm stunned, but as a two time cancer survivor, I’ve learned that cancer can grow before it is brought to light and sometimes it comes back even after you think it has been removed.

It's unfortunate that good solid citizens don't appear have a level playing field when it comes to those backed by powerful special interest money.  They can print thousands upon thousands of misleading ads citing hot button initiatives that don't even apply to State level government to rile up the partisan political base. 

  Did Nancy move to Florida?
I believe our school system is failing us since voters actually seem to fall for that tactic.  As an aside, I wouldn't count on Fred pushing for education reform to make civics a high priority.  He counts on people that don't pay attention. He's like those old snake oil salesmen...shaking your hand while picking your pocket with the other; big smile while your quality of life diminishes as quickly as the trucks flew down the highways to add tons of Coal Ash to Hawkins Mountain in Holopaw.  

"Hawkins Mountain" aka JED Landfill
built by the public silence of Fred Hawkins as Osceola Commissioner, District 5

What is more unfortunate is that seemingly good solid citizens don't look at the overall picture of what is at stake when they decide to run for a region they supposedly care about.  As I see it, if you come into a game in the ninth inning and are unable to qualify by petition that should be a red flag that maybe it just isn't your time.  Perhaps ideology has a way of lending itself to not using your smarts in this type of situation. I admit to having a sick feeling in January, nearly giving into thoughts of conspiracy theories, but I pushed them aside since I tend to believe in the best of the human soul. 

Unfortunately, at this stage and given my experience with decisions made by my County leaders, I am hard pressed to do so with the likes of Fred Hawkins because I believe he serves as living proof that some people will just not take responsibility for their actions, as they appear completely devoid of moral compass.

We had a great shot at beating Fred because one candidate easily qualified by petition, showing they had strong support.  To me, for the good of the citizens it would have made sense for the January "late comer" to stand down rather continue on, resulting in a split vote which effectively gave Fred a win.  Sometimes having the illusion that you are doing the right thing while not putting in 100% effort is just as arrogant as continuing to run while under indictment on a felony.  And the citizens are the ones that lose in the long run. 

Fred Hawkins is a cancer, killing the quality of life of the citizens of Florida while being fueled by some of the very industries that he worked for in the private sector that continue to pave his way.  After he sat in and helped negotiate to bring Coal Ash to Osceola from outside the State, it is crystal clear where his allegiance will always lie. .. and that is not with the citizens he has sworn to represent.

So, it is what it is. I continue to say #HellNoHawkins2020 as I wrestle with how to make a decision I can live with in November.  I only pray that the Ninth Circuit Court can be the chemotherapy that our district needs to cure this cancer once and for all.

 (1) STATE OF FLORIDA vs. HAWKINS, FRED WILBUR (Case # 2020 CF 002039)

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