Saturday, May 9, 2020

Fred Hawkins Campaign Blocking the Truth? #AfraidOfGranny

Fred Hawkins campaign machine is on the case and recently started sending out text messages begging people to sign petitions to get him on the ballot without having to spend a mere pittance of his $192,000+ War Chest.  Ok, we all like to to take the frugal way out and I don't deny he has the right to do so, but should people who spend their hard earned money on phone service be subjected to what pretty much amounts to SPAM? 

In light of their campaign push, I joined a Polk County Politics group on facebook to provide insight on what I have learned about Fred Hawkins over the years.  I have lived in his district for the entire time he has held office and even voted for him in 2008....before his true self came to light. He and his "pipedream" visions for our future show he will always side with big business and corporations at the expense of the quality of life of the people who actually live in his district.  Remember he supported the Urban Growth Boundary expansion into our water recharge areas, helped negotiate bringing Coal Ash from outside the state of Florida into Osceola County and is leading the effort to placate his large campaign donors by trying to undo the "in perpetuity" clause on conserved lands so a road can be built in Split Oak Forest WEA.

I commented on a few items posted by Zac Stone in the Polk political group. Mr. Stone appears to be a part of Fred's campaign staff. Some of my questions included inquiring why I was blocked on the campaign page from posting comments.  I don't curse, only post verifiable facts but I do ask a lot of hard questions.  There was no reply.

In one response to me, Zac mentioned Fred's "leadership", so I replied with a link to an article I wrote a few months back about Fred on that very subject.  The comment exchange become quite interesting when Zac replied that it was "all fake news" and written by "dedicated internet trolls". 

Obviously Fred's campaign staff doesn't fall far from the tree. Zac Stone didn't do his due diligance regarding my blog and spoke less than factually.  Fred does the same.  He just responds with whatever answers he thinks makes him sound good. Doesn't matter if there are facts to support it.

When I replied that I was the author and mentioned that all of the emails were factual and available via public records request from Osceola County, I was immediately BLOCKED so I can no longer comment on anything and the posts are no longer visible to me.  Mind you, I'm a 67 year old lady who pretty much keeps to herself, I am dedicated to getting out actual facts about Fred's tenure as my commissioner, but I'm hardly a "troll".   Glad I had the presence of mind to screen grab the conversation while I still had access to it.

Galatians 4:16, KJV: "Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?"
Why is Fred and his campaign afraid of people learning some truths about #FredHawkins history in Osceola County?  I guess that explains why I was blocked months ago on the campaign page.  They are clearly #AfraidOfGranny.

Is this a man we want as the Republican Candidate?  On August 18th join me in voting for #AnyoneButFred.

More reasons I continue to say #HellNoHawkins2020.

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